May 2019

For decades now, evaporative cooling has been the principal means to regulate the temperature of buildings. And with more than 50% of total building water usage dedicated to heat transfer, there are major opportunities for water savings. Enter EVAPCO, a manufacturing company focused on heat transfer applications and a world leader in designing and manufacturing evaporative cooling products. I spoke with Dustin Cohick, Product Manager at EVAPCO, and Josh Boehner, Marketing Applications Engineer, to learn more about heat transfer and how EVAPCO’s technology can save water. Read the interview
atlas cooling tower
EVAPCO’s AT Atlas counterflow cooling towers – now in larger sizes – are designed in large, preassembled modules for ease of rigging and installation. As the most energy-efficient modular cooling tower on the market, the AT Atlas is unmatched in CTI-certified capacity per cell. Atlas series cooling towers range in capacity from 1,484 to 2,386 nominal tons per cell, providing up to 60 percent more cooling capacity per cell while requiring up to 40 percent less fan power per ton of cooling compared to traditional factory-assembled cooling towers. Available in Type 304 or Type 316 stainless steel